Well, who wouldn’t? He’s going to take a couple of dumbbells and start performing exercises, so you can watch him amping up and pumping blood into his biceps with curls. Once you see that tight waist, coupled with buffed up limbs and chest, he will ask you if you want to see more.
He will take his time stripping down, enjoying the look in your eyes, they’re glowing as he starts showing more skin and the muscles that pop out. You can tell him how much you enjoy watching his strong hands and ask to see more, the six-pack, pecs, the entire top half of his body during the gay muscle webcam chat. You won’t be able to get enough of that sexy body even while he’s clothed, scarcely in all honesty, but enough to work up your imagination. BigThor is exactly how you would imagine a god to look like, and his thundering body will awaken a certain type of emotion you have never experienced before.